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Orientation of the Ministry of Health in the coming time to curb the problem of dirty food

The problem of food insecurity is raising people's anxiety, the management agency, the National Steering Committee 389 has made many positive moves to limit the situation mentioned above.

Reporters had an interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Le Tuan, Vice Minister of Health, Member of the Steering Committee 389 to provide specific information on the direction of the Ministry of Health in the coming time to curb the problem of dirty food. .

Reporter: Information on many kinds of dirty food was arrested in large numbers last time, causing consumers not afraid of panic. So, as a state management agency related to food, could you tell us about the Ministry of Health's upcoming implementation plan to help prevent this problem?

Deputy Minister of Health Pham Le Tuan: Currently, the country is in the period of Action for Food Safety in 2016 with the theme "Continue to increase production, business and consumption of vegetables and meat safety " During this period (15/4 - 15/5/2016), the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches to organize 6 inter-branch inspection and supervision missions , inspected in 12 provinces and cities.

Beside 6 central inter-branch delegations, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade assigns units to inspect and supervise unexpectedly in provinces and cities to effectively implement the month. act. Beside 6 central inter-branch delegations, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade assigns units to inspect and supervise unexpectedly in provinces and cities.

The purpose of this checklist is to examine and evaluate the implementation of the Food Safety Action Month 2016 by all levels and sectors; The implementation of the provisions of the law on food safety in food production, trading and importation shall focus on foodstuffs being vegetables, meat and processed products of vegetables and meat subject to Action Month for Food Safety in 2016.

Through inspection, examination, timely detect and rectify the inadequacies and weaknesses in the state management of food safety; Detecting, preventing and dealing with violations of food safety assurance, and at the same time, proposing measures to improve the efficiency of food safety assurance.

Apart from the work of inspection, the information, education and communication activities provide knowledge and legal documents on food safety to subjects such as managers, traders, producers and Consumers of safe food are extremely important.

Therefore, in recent years, the Ministry of Health has assigned the Department of Food Safety to work closely with the media agencies, promote information, propagate knowledge, warn security risks. All food through mass media. The website of the Food Safety Department, Ministry of Health (vfa.gov.vn) operates 24 / 24h, is the official information page.

The Ministry of Health has also opened a separate section on the eCommerce portal called "Together for Food Safety". Specialized Anchor Catalogs are used to publish information on management, timely management of local information in food safety management, prevention of food poisoning, and postage. download information and dissemination dissemination knowledge to the people in matters of food quality assurance; food safety warning in Vietnam as well as warnings of countries in the world. The link is as follows (http://moh.gov.vn/news/Pages/BoYTeVoiAnToanThucPham.aspx)

Reporter: So to safe food to people, according to his cause at any stage, is due to the great benefits that this food business or management holes cause the object to abuse?

Deputy Minister of Health Pham Le Tuan: There are three main actors involved in food safety issues: the State, enterprises and consumers. The state must issue policies, examine, monitor and implement these policies. The legal documents are now complete, meeting the management. The problem is the enforcement of food safety laws, when the human resources are both weak and weak, especially some staff still loose management, supervision law enforcement is not serious. Expenditure for food safety has been intensified, but in reality it is only 20-25% of Thailand.

For business people, lack of knowledge and profitability should be ready to market unsafe products.

I do not change the consumer's fault, but the consumer must also participate in ensuring food safety. In fact, due to economic conditions, lack of understanding and ease, many people still use unsafe food. One burden of food sold by a trash can, the responsibility first belongs to the regulator, then the seller, but the consumer should also boycott, not use the product but the reality for There are still a lot of people who accept to use food even though they know it is unsafe.

Reporter: It is known that the Ministry of Health has coordinated very well with relevant agencies such as Market Management, Police, Customs to limit dirty food. So, on the side of the management agency of the Ministry of Health in the next time, what recommendations, coordination to be tight, regular, smooth?

Deputy Minister of Health Pham Le Tuan: The whole society concerned about food safety is both an opportunity and a challenge for the management. The requirement for legitimate food safety and the fundamental right of consumers. Therefore, the first challenge requires regulators to try harder, tighten regulations and bar, monitor to monitor and prevent unsafe food circulated in the market.

In 2014, the average sanctioned violation of food safety is 2 million, in 2015 is 3.5 million. The province inspects, but many inspections are negligible. Therefore, in the coming time want to ensure food safety establishments need to be more resolute with the sanction, and at the same time announce the violating facilities to the people know, at the same time, praised the business establishments , produce clean food. Otherwise, people will lose confidence and affect production.

When people and society are concerned about food safety, the Government and the Government must pay attention to and invest more in the management, organizational system and resources to meet the management requirements. food safety. At present, the food safety management system is lacking of staffs because of the lack of any schools and classes, but it is necessary to do both research and study to participate in the management.

Network in the health sector, until 2009-2010 new food safety at the provincial level and officials from the sector, officials are still weak and lack, especially at the commune level, the place of contact directly with production facilities, households, farming. Even in some places, officials have been weak and lacking in management, and the law is not strictly enforced.

However, the risk from food use is not only a challenge for Vietnam but for all countries. That is not to say that the problems that are facing, but developed countries such as the United States, South Korea, Japan still have food safety problems. In the United States, life and people are high, the legal system, especially the legal awareness of the people are good, but each year there are still 48 million cases of diarrhea related to food.

While in Vietnam, life is difficult so sometimes know food is not safe or unknown origin, high risk still have to use because there is no choice. Therefore, "dirty" food should be destroyed, there is still "living" land. However, there is still a large percentage of food in the safety margin. The problem is to communicate the address, the product is safe is weak. Unfortunately, there is a basis that has been certified as safe to re-mix unsafe products, loss of consumer confidence, such as the failure to clean vegetable in Trung Thanh Company into a school in Hanoi was Very strict treatment.

So I think that if you want to do good food safety, the authorities, producers and consumers have to share and have more responsibility if they do not lose the trust of the whole society. Affect the development of the country.

Thank you Vice Minister!

Source: Editorial Portal of the Ministry of Health

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